Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12-Something about the Moon

Bella Luna © Kate Lynch

Sunsets, moon rises, and moon sets are breathtaking in October in western Washington. I noticed a crescent moon low in the sky last night, but the sky was hazy. Tonight on our walk, Padme insisted that we walk our favorite trail although it was getting dark. The sky colors over the Nisqually delta were amazing. I knocked off a few shots but at the overlook, where I would really like to whack back some of the scrubby trees that compete with the delta view.

Moving from the trail to the street, I really liked the juxtaposition of the streetlight and the moon. I would like it better with the moon lower in the sky. That happened about three hours later. As I was heading upstairs, I glimpsed the moon low and orange near the horizon. I popped on my 300mm lens, set my camera on a tripod, and set up just outside the front door.

I love photographing the moon. I have my first moon image (circa 1974) - a double-exposure of the moon and a baby possum - hanging on my studio wall, along with two favorites both photographed in DuPont. Rainier Moon and Hunter's Moon.

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