Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's the water

Tumwater Historical Park is a relaxing spot to have lunch on a sunny afternoon on the banks of the Deschutes River. The original Olympia Beer Brewhouse rests on the opposite bank. A promising sale to a local investor fell through when the buyer found out there are no sewer or water lines serving the property. The brewery was built in 1906, fell into disuse during the Prohibition, then started brewing again in a new and much larger brewery on the hill above the old brewhouse, which continued to be used for storage. The building is an icon in the area. Those of us who grew up with "Oly" will remember the slogan "it's the water." Glacier-fed rivers and spring-fed streams are everywhere here.

Visit my Tumwater Falls gallery for images from the falls park a short way upstream from the brewhouse.

Old Brewhouse in winter was featured in a juried show in Auburn, WA, last winter.

Floating the Deschutes - Kate Lynch

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