Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Growing baby eagle

Our new baby eagle is growing fast! Almost full grown with downy fluff all gone. I haven't seen her "branching" yet but she likes watching the human scene below.

Still no sign of the second eaglet that we saw last month. The nest is quite large, so it's not easy to see the far side of the nest. So...maybe the other baby is there. I visited the nest last night and saw a tiny portion of a eaglet's head in one of about eight frames from different spots.

Papa eagle was on duty last night, so mama was probably out and about. Mama and papa are spending time farther from the nest but not too far. This is the time the baby practices for her first flight. Let's hope it goes well. About 40 percent of juvenile bald eagles don't survive that flight. Mama and papa will bring food but less often to encourage their youngster to try her wings soon.

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