Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29-Ancient Grounds

I met my old friend Q and my new friend Tu in downtown Seattle this afternoon. They were in town for a conference. We spent some time poking around Pike Place Market, then headed for Ivar's Acres of Clams for happy hour. We ended up at a very unique coffeehouse and gallery called Ancient Grounds.  What a fabulous place! Recently I added a new Seattle gallery on my website. Take a look.

I met Q 13 years ago when she was a delegate and I was on staff at Anytown USA, a diversity, leadership, and social justice program sponsored by the National Conference for Community and Justice. Anytown is a 50-year-old program that started out as a weeklong camp for high school students. Now camps are offered for junior high and college students. Most people - both delegates and staff - who take part describe Anytown as a life-changing experience. I was on staff for camps in 1996, 1997, and 1998. Q was a delegate in 1997, then on staff in 1998 and 1999. Anytown in Arizona is now managed by the YMCA.

Q went on to get her bachelor's, master's and, most recently, doctorate in psychology. Now she's a National Institute of Mental Health fellow at San Diego State. Her research has centered on prejudice and discrimination, bicultural identities, and acculturation. She credits Anytown with setting her on this path.

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