Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21-Solstice Lunar Eclipse

An eclipse of either the moon or the sun are magical in their own ways. I had the chance to see the solar eclipse in totality (5 minutes) off the coast of west Africa in 1972. Seeing a lunar eclipse is more common in most of our lifetimes.

 The lunar eclipse on Winter Solstice eve was amazing because we so rarely have clear skies in western Washington in December. The skies were mostly cloudy but parted dramatically throughout the evening. The cloud cover wrapped the sky in earnest before the moon was fully eclipsed.

Here are my favorites. The aspect is a little off for some images because the moon keeps moving. Sometimes I was looking through the viewfinder from one side or another or upside down.

Merry Solstice
Happy Yule
Blessed Christmastide 

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